Monday, February 13, 2012

Real Life

I have all of these ideas on how I want to parent my children. To be a good parent, a wonderful parent I should follow the advice in my plethora of books. I should follow my mama instinct. I should be compassionate, pray with them, never yell, teach lessons, have clean clothes and have our house tidied. I should cook all nutritious meals and not let them touch sugar. Riiight!
I research.
I research everything about parenting that I possibly can.
Eating, sleeping, teaching, gentle discipline and potty training. I have also learned that no book or website or television show or friend or or or ... is going to be all right for us.
I find that as parents we all strive for perfection. All of us want our children to be happy and well-rounded adults. We want them to look back on their childhoods and think warm and fuzzy thoughts.
Here is what I believe and how I *try* to be. Is it right? Only time will tell.

I don't want to swear around my children or have them hear swearing.
I don't want them around immoral behavior.
I want my children to eat well researched nutritious foods.
I believe in gentle discipline and keeping the lines of communication open.
I believe in God and want my children to too.
I want a healthy environment for them and a clean one too.
I want to teach the kids about giving and how important it is.
I want them to learn responsibility and not be lazy.
I want them to be kind and gentle with others and each other.
I want so much for them, my marriage and myself.

Does this happen? For the most part. I swear at times, I yell and I don't use gentle discipline. I know what I feel is right and I try my best. That is what we all do.

I wish that more parents shared the REAL stuff. The real stuff that life is made of. Life happens and we can't do everything as perfect as we would like.
So here is my life. My parenting life that I will share with you all.
Grab some popcorn (microwave GASP!) and pull up a chair. We are in for a long haul.

REAL tidbit #1 - Yesterday, my 3yo son pushed a chair up to the counter and placed a dinky car and a band-aid in the toaster oven and turned it on. I went to use the sink and smelled the burning. Oh my sweet son. How fast they grow and get into trouble.

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